Sunday, 11 September 2016

Tears and Rain

I gave up dreams because I did not dare.
The call of earth and sky brings an ache to my soul
and yet I dwell in the land of the living.
The suburbs.
The noise.

A gift was found behind my house.
A narrow path to the bush.
It beckons me and leads me on
And I walk amongst trees and grass and winter birdsong.
I see the sunset through majestic branches.
Not the whole sky.
I do not need to see it all.
I like it better that way.
Tears begin to gently fall.
And then the rain comes
lightly mixing its pure and cooling drops with mine
My grief.
My pain and joy
all merged now with the rain.
As if the sky was comforting me
so no one could see me cry.

Although I am displaced in a foreign land
I weep
and take in a slow and measured breath
because now,
for a single moment,
I belong.

(for Matt)

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